版本需求:Android 4.4 以上版本
聯絡地址:ward no 1, Tehsil chaubara , District Layyah
Are you studying German or Serbian and you want to know the meaning in real Serbian or German font with Translation? Then this application is best for you.
German and Serbian Dictionary is not only a Serbian Dictionary offline but also a learning tool. You can use this German dictionary app when you have no internet connection. There is auto suggestion so you
How to Use:
1- You can search any German word and then click on it to read its meanings in Serbian. Meanings are displayed in real Serbian language.
2- You can also add new words in this app.
3- This App also contain feature to add your favorite words, you can search any German word and get its meaning in favorites, German and Serbian.
Features of Serbian Dictionary:
- Translations – German to Serbian, Serbian to German with Roman.
- Layout - is very simple and is user friendly.
- Favorites / Bookmarks - you are able to add words to favorites list by clicking the star/heart icon.
- Thesaurus – sorted list of all words starting with alphabets in German, Roman and Serbian.
- Word spelling, using Text-To-Speech module (No Internet Connection required).
- Maximum data is used - up-to-date vocabulary.
With its clear definitions and carefully chosen up-to-date vocabulary from all areas of life the Serbian - German - Serbian dictionary with roman translation will meet your everyday language needs and will make your trips more comfortable and fun. It’s the best German Serbian dictionary free for travelers, business mans, players, students, children, teachers, learners, boys and girls.
This APP mostly searched by the words given below:
German to Serbian dictionary
German to Serbian translator app
German to Serbian
German to Serbian translation
German to Serbian Dictionary & German Translator
German to Serbian best dictionary
German to Serbian book
German to Serbian converter
German to Serbian dictionary offline
German to Serbian dictionary free offline
German to Serbian free dictionary
German to Serbian full dictionary
German to Serbian language
German to Serbian offline dictionary
German to Serbian offline dictionary free
German to Serbian words
dictionary German to Serbian 2019
German Serbian dictionary
German Serbian translation
German Serbian app
German Serbian book
German Serbian best dictionary
German Serbian converter
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